IMPORTANT! Read the SIPP Key Facts and our Charges Guide for all the details and before you make up your mind if our Child SIPP Account is right for you. You might also want to read our pensions section.
Please remember the value of your investments and any income from them can go down as well as up and you may get back less than the amount you originally invested.
Before you choose a SIPP, make sure you understand its aims and risks.
A SIPP requires active management and investment expertise. You should make sure you review your investments regularly.
All investments carry an element of risk which may differ significantly. If you are unsure as to the suitability of any particular investment or product, you should seek professional financial advice.
Laws and tax rules may change in the future without notice. The information here is our understanding in April 2018. This information takes no account of your personal circumstances which may have an impact on tax treatment.
This might seem a very odd thing to think about today on the school run or a play date. But an early start to long term savings could give your child more financial flexibility in later life and the potential for a more comfortable retirement. If this is a priority for you, consider a Child SIPP Account.
Please read our SIPP Key Facts before deciding whether a Child SIPP is right for you and your child.